Saturday, April 11, 2009

Our Team is Complete!

Welcome to all the new runners in Van #1.  If you get a chance post a little diddy about yourself with a picture; we'd love to get to know you.  (I sent an "author request" to your email acct, accept it and then you can write on this blog).  If you haven't paid me I need the money ASAP... please.  You can mail it to me, wire it to me or spray me with cash.. whatever.. I need your payments please.  Heidi, just let us know in the next few weeks how you feel about running the race.  We're cool either way.  Of course we'd love to have you, but we totally 100% understand being Mom's too.  The race will be here next year, so just let us know!

It looks like Saturday May 30th is the best day for everyone for a little run.  Put it on your calendars and we'll go from there.  I also want to set aside a day the week of the race to meet one evening go over the race logisitics and maybe even pack our vans.  Any thoughts/feelings/objections to that?

Oh... so I've been lax in actually registering everyone on the team. I know I know.  So in light of that I need you all to email me at lori (dot) aston (at) gmail (dot) com with the following info:

Shirt size

I know some of you already did this, which I really appreciate, but if you could resend it it would help me out a ton.  Thanks everyone!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saturday's Run & Some Random Business

Hey Everyone!  We had a great coooold run on Saturday.  The cinnamon rolls were fabulous and the company awesome.  We missed everyone that couldn't be there (which was about 80% of the team..haha).  The 4 of us had a spectactular time, we'd love to do it again.  We're thinking mid-May.  Will that work for everyone?  I'm going to throw up some dates on the sidebar.  Please vote.  

I just got an email from Ragnar having them request our start time. I need everyone to please leave a comment leaving me your 10k pace.  Once all the times are added together then I'll know what our average pace is, they will base our start time on that projected pace.  I need to put in our time request by next week.  Please submit your time by Saturday, if possible.  If you don't I'll guess, but I'd much rather have it be accurate.  

Also, how are we doing on sponsors? Volunteers?  Any leads?  How is everyone's training going? Personally, I need to start running hills a LOT more.  Yes yes I do.